"Smile or You're Fired...Seven Lessons for Managers of Service" is a book specifically written for the 6.7 million managers in the retail, hospitality and travel related industries. Simple to read yet high impact, Smile or You're Fired... offers a series of seven short stories which each leave the reader with a greater understanding of their role, self-worth and responsibilities as a manager.
"Smile or You're Fired...Seven Lessons for Managers of Service" is the first and only book written for customer service managers to help:
◦Improve the manager's confidence and sense of worth by allowing the manager to
see their own challenges through the story's characters, highlighting the
importance of this work.
◦Increase managers emotional intelligence by educating them in a positive tone
on the realities of being a customer service manager today.
◦Reduce managers stress and improve the chance for advancement by teaching how
to better relate to customers, hourly workers and supervisors expectations.
◦Provide a tutorial on the impact of a customer service managers budget and
fiduciary expectations.◦Provide instruction on how to put these lessons into action.
Click here to download Bobby's latest white paper:
How to Conduct an Interview Using Skype
Author Robert "Bobby" Fitzgerald is a 25 year customer service veteran and Director of Operations of a 400 employee company which serves over 20,000 customers a week. He has written dozens of articles on management and business for numerous outlets including Kiplinger.com, Examiner.com and The American Management Association and he speaks at Universities across the country on the hospitality industry and careers in management. Click here to contact Bobby:
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