Research forms the foundation of
Prosci's methodology. To the

right is the geographic distribution
of participants in the latest
benchmarking study. 426 participants
from 59 countries shared best practices
that form the foundation of Prosci's
change management approach.
Certification program - In Prosci's 3-day certification program, learn the underlying concepts and principles and then apply the methodology and tools to a project you bring with support fromone of Prosci's experienced executive instructors.
Do it yourself, hardcopy - Prosci's Change Management Toolkit presents the entire methodology and guiding principles in a 3-ring binder with a CD-ROM containing templates and assessments.
2.ADKAR presents an easy-to-use model for individual change
3.The 3-phase process gives structure to the steps project teams should take
makes a change successfully
individuals make changes successfully
ADKAR presents an easy-to-use model for individual change
.Awareness of the need for change
.Desire to participate and support the change
.Knowledge on how to change
Ability to implement required skills and behaviors
Reinforcement to sustain the change
ADKAR describes successful change at the individual level. When an organization undertakes an initiative, that change only happens when the employees who have to do their jobs differently can say with confidence, "I have the Awareness, Desire, Knowledge, Ability and Reinforcement to make this change happen."
Because it outlines the goals or outcomes of successful change, ADKAR is an effective tool for:
.Planning change management activities
.Diagnosing gaps
.Developing corrective actions
.Supporting managers and supervisors
Prosci's organizational change management process was first introduced in 2002 after the third change management benchmarking study was conducted. Prosci felt that with the third study, there was a strong enough research basis for the process below. This process is built in steps that a project team can complete for a particular change or initiative they are supporting. The methodology includes research-based assessments and templates that are available in the online Change Management Pilot Pro 2010 or hardcopy Change Management Toolkit, or by attending one of Prosci's 3-day certification programs.
.Organizational attributes profile
.Change management strategy
.Change management team structure
.Sponsor assessment, structure and roles
.Communication plan
.Sponsor roadmap
.Training plan
.Coaching plan
.Resistance management plan

Equally critical but most often overlooked, the third phase of Prosci's process helps project teams create specific action plans for ensuring that the change is sustained. In this phase, project teams develop measures and mechanisms to see if the change has taken hold, to the see if employees are actually doing their jobs the new way and to celebrate success.
.Reinforcement mechanisms
.Compliance audit reports
.Corrective action plans
.Individual and group recognition approaches
.Success celebrations
.After action review
The image below shows the connection between the change management tools developed in the organizational change management process and the phases of individual change described by the ADKAR model. This picture is the essence of effective change management and is the core of Prosci's change management methodology.

Connecting organizational and individual change management
Three easy ways to begin applying Prosci's change management methodology:
Certification program - In Prosci's 3-day certification program, learn the underlying concepts and principles and then apply the methodology and tools to a project you bring with support from one of Prosci's experienced executive instructors.
Do it yourself, online option - Prosci's Change Management Pilot Pro 2010 is an online tool that has step-by-step instructions for applying the methodology, eLearning modules and downloadable templates, assessments and presentations you can use immediately.
Do it yourself, hardcopy - Prosci's Change Management Toolkit presents the entire methodology and guiding principles in a 3-ring binder with a CD-ROM containing templates and assessments.
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